Dry Itchy Beard? Beardruff? This should help
Struggling with a dry, itchy beard (beardruff)?
Here are some steps to stop it in it's tracks, so you can work your way to a better beard.
The main causes of flaky skin under your beard or the itchy feeling, is usually down to the inefficient grooming routine you may currently have. Below are some steps to groom your beard in a better way, to hopefully avoid any problems flaring up.
Step one:
Make sure you wash your beard with beard wash. Your normal hair shampoo or soap just won't do. A good beard wash is specifically formulated to clear the dead skin cells away whilst holding some of the skin and hairs natural oils. Regular shampoos and soaps can be very harsh on the hair & skin on your face due to the high salt content/sulphates, which are found in most.
When you're washing, be sure to really get into your beard with your fingers to ensure that you reach the skin beneath and are exfoliating the dead skin cells away. Washing your beard every other day or twice per week is fine! We want to keep some naturally occurring oils in there.
Step two:
Dry your beard properly. Another reason for agitated skin is due to it being left damp. In these damp and warm conditions this is where bacteria can start growing and even fungal problems can arise. You absolutely want to avoid it getting to this stage as it will be very hard to treat the skin properly with topical creams with a full beard & the last thing you want to do is cut it off after all that hard work growing it.
Dry with a hairdryer on a cool to warm heat, never hot. This will also allow you to style your beard slightly and help keep those stray hairs where they should be.
Step three:
Conditioning. Always moisturise the skin after washing & drying with a good beard oil or balm. Both beard oils and beard balms essentially do the same thing, however the balm offers a slight hold to the beard for desired styling. Be sure to reach the skin beneath on application. Beard oils and balms are mainly to benefit the skin underneath more that the beard hair itself. If the skin is well moisturised it feeds the hairs, although the hair does absorb oil & balm to a certain degree. Comb or brush afterwards and enjoy your perfectly moisturised and beardruff free beard.
We hope these steps help you look after you beard & skin and stop any potential skin problems or flare ups.
Feel free to reach out to us for any more questions you may have.
Tom & Caitlin